I love bringing philosophy and logic to SEO. When you understand the Stern Marketing Influence, SEO, and marketing ROI philosophy, we can work together to bring your B2B or B2C enterprise MORE profits and influence than ever before! Sign up and I will give you a...
How to apply The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson to your Digital Media Marketing Hey, this is Darrell Stern, reporting live from the offices of Stern Storming, here in amazing Denver, Colorado. I have some news, some updates, and some philosophical changes that I’m...
Should I outsource my blog writing and Content Marketing? I met a woman once who was in marketing. One of the services she offered was doing networking on behalf of other companies. In essence, she became an outsourced sales rep who attended events for the purpose of...
I go to a lot of networking events with small business owners. I hear them say: “I don’t know what blogging is” “I heard blogging is good” “I should be blogging” “I don’t have time to blog” “Blog? Ugh. It sounds like just another time suck.” So, in an effort to...