Mark Victor Hansen Wanted A Reboot

of his online presence.

Through the magic of Stern Storming, we were able to record TWO full online courses which were published and ready in ONE WEEK. AND record hundreds of amazing viral stories from his life!

THIS is REAL marketing. This is Stern Storming.

Saul wanted to be #1 in Colorado for Auto Repair

We accomplished his local business expansion goal  using our unique and creative content extraction, optimization, SEO, and video marketing methodology.

Saul climbed from $50K in revenue to $600K in revenue in just four years!

+ Videos Shot On Sight

+ Engaging Posts

Marketing ROI

On Site Production

Our CEO Darrell Stern is an award-winning theater director and playwright. Together, with him, on-site, you will create over 200 videos in three days!


VIdeo Editing And Post Production

We are able to edit 60+ videos in one night in TWO versions and get them ready for YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn the NEXT DAY!


The Secret Sauce

Our content extraction and video marketing process continues as we use your videos to create search engine optimized articles that will move your brand to dominate Google.

Our Marketing Philosophy

Your influence and your profits are in the knowledge and gifts of your people.

Marketing is the art of starting MEANINGFUL conversations.

Our CEO On Amazon Prime SpeakUp

Web Marketing Design

First, you will engage in a Stern Storming session where I will pull from you and your team the best stories from their lives and work experience that will drive your profits and influence.

Second, our team will get to work immediately editing your videos and setting up your site, funnels, marketing automation, and everything else we need for YOUR BRAND to WIN.

Third, we train you and your staff on how SEO and Social Media really work. How to respond to messages and comments, and how to drive meaningful conversations that lead to sales.

Establish Trust and Authority

Trust in your brand and your products and services is the most valuable commodity your business enterprise can achieve.

Authority in your industry paired with trust creates leadership in your market.

Marketing is two things: Give people HOPE, then PROVE that you can DO what you are promising.

Stern.Marketing will enable your brand enterprise to do both.

Are You Ready to Get Stern?

Made with Love

We will become a part of your family. Falling in love with your mission and goals and activating our creative genius.

20 Years Online

Stern.Marketing opened in 2002! We have witnessed the dawn of the web, social media, email, and video. Our results come from our massive experience.

Unlimited Support

We know. You have been nickeled and dimed by other agencies. We want you to LEARN as you GROW and you can talk to our CEO any day of the week. (He will even give you his phone number!)

Let’s GO Stern Storming

The creative perspective and strategy you will gain from just 20 minutes with us will change the course of your business.